
Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
Tenue d'ancrages LMS sur fonds coralliens indurés
- Luong Minh-Phong
- Habib Pierre
DOI : 10.1051/geotech/1999089029 -
Structural morphology and relaxation spectra of viscoelastic heterogeneous materials
- Beurthey Stéphan
- Zaoui André
DOI : 10.1016/S0997-7538(00)00157-1 -
Resource-bounded relational reasoning: induction and deduction through stochastic matching
- Sebag Michèle
- Rouveirol Céline
DOI : 10.1023/A:1007629922420 -
Brake squeal: a problem of flutter instability of the steady sliding solution ?
- Moirot Franck
- Son Nguyen Quoc
Field Data vs. Theoretical Model to Quantify Drilling Efficiency and Disruption
- Putot Claude
- Perreau Philippe
- Constantinescu Andrei
DOI : 10.2118/50579-MS -
On a new methodology for quantitative modeling of fretting fatigue
- Dang Van Ky
- Maitournam Habibou
DOI : 10.1520/STP14753S -
Thermomechanical description of moving discontinuities: Application to wear
- Stolz Claude
Science et règlement
- Salençon Jean
Quelques exemples de vibrations et d'instabilité induites par le frottement
- Nguyen Q. S.
Intelligent modelling of woven materials
- Zarka Joseph
- Doux Thierry
Optimal design of a beam with a direct link to CAD
- Zarka J.
- Hablot J. M.
Plasticity of zirconium at intermediate temperatures: effect of a small quantity of sulfur
- Ferrer F.
- Bretheau Th.
- Crépin Jérôme
- Barbu A.
Intelligent optimal design of naval structures: is it possible ?
- Zarka J.
Percolation mécanique'' : pertinence des modèles classiques en viscoélasticité linéaire et nouvelles approches
- Bornert Michel
- Aussant F.
- Zaoui A.
A critical study of SHPB test on the materials involved in crash problems
- Zhao H.
- Gary G.
Dynamic testing of fibre polymer matrix composite plates under in-plane compression
- Gary Gérard
- Zhao H.
DOI : 10.1016/S1359-835X(00)00026-9 -
On the role of fluids in the cracks of elastic materials
- Feraille Fresnet Adélaïde
- Bui Huy Duong
- Ehrlacher Alain
Brake squeal: a problem of flutter instability of the steady sliding solution?
- Moirot Franck
- Nguyen Quoc Son
Tribological and corrosion behaviours of graphite and titanium alloys couple during ring-on-disk tests
- Serre I.
- Celati N.
- Pradeilles Duval R. M.
On global behaviour of heterogeneous media with mechanical transformation along moving surfaces
- Pradeilles-Duval R. M.
- Stolz C.
Thermodynamical description of running discontinuities: application to wear
- Stolz Claude
Détection et quantification thermique de particularités d'appui et de lésions superficielles chez les marcheurs de grand fond
- Parganin D.
- Loizeau J.
- Luong M. P.
- Genson F.
Damage mechanism of Ti6AL4V substrats coated by tungsten based PVD layers under single particles impact loading
- Graff G.
- Stolz C.
- Pradeilles-Duval R. M.
- Sainte Catherine M.C.
- Jomeaux S.
- Penquer F.
Investigation expérimentale et modélisation micromécanique de la déformation locale à chaud d'aciers biphasés
- Pinna Christophe
- Bornert Michel
Instabilité du glissement stationnaire : application au crissement des freins
- Moirot F.
- Nguyen Q. S.