
Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
Identification d'obstacles en acoustique dans des domaines tridimensionnels bornés
- Nemitz Nicolas
- Bonnet Marc
DOI : 10.3166/remn.15.307-318 -
On the overall behavior, microstructure evolution, and macroscopic stability in reinforced rubbers at large deformations: I-Theory
- Lopez-Pamies Oscar
- Ponte Castañeda Pedro
DOI : 10.1016/j.jmps.2005.10.006 -
A computational lifetime prediction of a thermal shock experiment. Part II: discussion on difference fatigue criteria
- Amiable Sébastien
- Chapuliot Sébastien
- Constantinescu Andreï
- Fissolo Antoine
DOI : 10.1111/j.1460-2695.2006.0983.x -
Topological sensitivity and FMM-accelerated BEM applied to 3D acoustic inverse scattering
- Nemitz Nicolas
- Bonnet Marc
DOI : 10.1016/j.enganabound.2007.02.006 -
TGV disc brake squeal
- Lorang Xavier
- Foy-Margiocchi Florence
- Son Nguyen Quoc
- Gautier Pierre-Etienne
DOI : 10.1016/j.jsv.2005.12.006 -
Écart à la réciprocité et identification de fissures en thermoélasticité isotrope transitoire
- Andrieux Stéphane
- Bui Huy Duong
DOI : 10.1016/j.crme.2006.02.004 -
Min-max Duality and Shakedown Theorems in Plasticity
- Nguyen Quoc Son
DOI : 10.1000/ISBN-0387291962 -
Work of indentation approach to the analysis of hardness and modulus of thin coatings
- Korsunsky Alexander
- Constantinescu Andreï
DOI : 10.1016/j.msea.2005.09.126 -
White beam microdiffraction experiments for the determination of the local plastic behaviour of polycrystals
- Castelnau Olivier
- Goudeau Philippe
- Geandier Guillaume
- Tamura Nobumichi
- Béchade Jean Luc
- Bornert Michel
- Caldemaison Daniel
DOI : 10.4028/ -
A direct method for the solution of evolution problems
- Comte François
- Maitournam M.
- Burry Pierre
- Nguyen T. Mac Lan
DOI : 10.1016/j.crme.2006.02.007 -
Modélisation numérique du Friction Stir Welding
- Bastier Arnaud
- Maitournam Habibou
- Dang Van Ky
- Roger Frédéric
DOI : 10.3166/remn.15.41-52 -
Introduction aux techniques d'homogénéisation
- Zaoui A.
Multi-scale finite-strain plasticity model for stable metallic honeycombs incorporating microstructural evolution
- Mohr Dirk
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijplas.2006.01.004 -
Identification of non-parametric probabilistic structural dynamics models from measured transfer functions
- Arnst Maarten
- Bonnet Marc
- Clouteau Didier
DOI : 10.1016/j.cma.2007.08.011 -
An integral-equation approach for small-obstacle approximation in 3D acoustic and elastodynamic inverse scattering
- Bonnet Marc
Influence de la morphologie microstructurale sur la réponse mécanique de polycristaux biphasés
- Rupin N.
- Bornert Michel
- Zaoui A.
- Pinna C.
- Gilormini P.
Rheology of the lower crust: laboratory data and field observations,
- Dresen Georg
- Dimanov A.
- Rybacki E.
- Xiaohui X.
- Kenkmann T.
- Wirth R.
A comparison of lifetime prediction methods for a thermal fatigue experiment
- Amiable Sébastien
- Chapuliot Stéphane
- Constantinescu Andreï
- Fissolo Antoine
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2005.09.002 -
Introduction à la diffraction inverse en acoustique et élasticité
- Lambert Marc
- Bonnet Marc
- Lesselier Dominique
Dynamic crushing behaviour of aluminium tubes filled with cork
- Gameiro C.P.
- Cirne J.
- Gary Gérard
DOI : 10.1051/jp4:2006134184 -
Numerical and experimental study of the dynamic behaviour of Cork
- Gameiro Celina Pires
- Cirne José
- Gary Gérard
- Miranda Victor
- Pinho-Da-Cruz Joaquim
- Teixeira-Dias Filipe
Macroscopic behavior and field fluctuations in viscoplastic composites: Second-order estimates versus full-field simulations
- Idiart Martin
- Moulinec Hervé
- Ponte Castañeda Pedro
- Suquet Pierre
DOI : 10.1016/j.jmps.2005.11.004 -
Analyse des solides déformables par la méthode des éléments finis
- Bonnet Marc
- Frangi A.
Mechanical behaviour and temperature measurement during dynamic deformation on split Hopkinson bar of 304L stainless steel and 5754 aluminium alloy
- Jovic C.
- Wagner D.
- Hervé P.
- Gary Gérard
- Lazarotto L.
DOI : 10.1051/jp4:2006134194 -
Mesures de champs et identification de modèles de plasticité cristalline
- Gérard Céline