
Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
Life-Sized Audiovisual Spatial Social Scenes with Multiple Characters: MARC & SMART-I²
- Courgeon Matthieu
- Rébillat Marc
- Katz Brian F.G.
- Clavel Céline
- Martin Jean-Claude
Qualitative Methods for Inverse Scattering in Solid Mechanics
- Bellis Cédric
Micromécanismes et comportement macroscopique d'un élastomère fortement chargé
- Azoug Aurélie
Etude de l'anisotropie d'endommagement de l'alliage d'aluminium 6061-T6
- Shen Y.
- Garnier Josselin
- Allais Lucien
- Crépin Jérôme
- Caldemaison Daniel
- Heripre Eva
- Hiver J.M.
- Forget Pierre
Caractérisation expérimentale de l'endommagement dans les minicomposites SiC/SiC
- Chateau Camille
- Gélébart Lionel
- Bornert Michel
- Crépin Jérôme
- Caldemaison Daniel
- Boller Elodie
- Sauder Cédric
- Langer Max
- Ludwig Wolfgang
Determination of high temperature micro-scale strain distribution
- Martin G.
- Caldemaison D.
- Bornert Michel
- Pinna C.
- Veron M.
- Chehab B.
- Fourmentin R.
- Mithieux J. D.
- Yerra S.K
- Delannay L.
- Pardoen T.
- Brechet Y.
The Carresse abandonment field tests.
- Berest Pierre
- Bérest P.
Plasticity and asperity-induced fatigue crack closure under mixed-mode loading
- Doquet Véronique
- Bui Quang-Hien
- Constantinescu Andrei
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2010.02.011 -
Thermo-mechanical effects in Compressed Air Storage (CAES).
- Berest Pierre
- Bérest P.
- Brouard Benoît
Field testing issues relative to the long term abandonment of salt caverns.
- Berest Pierre
- Bérest P.
Vulnérabilité et spectres de plancher des structures sismiquement isolées
- Pham Khac Hoan
Closed form solution for the finite anti-plane shear field for a class of hyperelastic incompressible brittle solids
- Stolz Claude
DOI : 10.1016/j.crme.2010.09.001 -
Identification of elastic and damping properties of sandwich structures based on high resolution modal analysis of point measurements
- Rébillat Marc
- Boutillon Xavier
Are Host Genetics the Predominant Determinant of Persistent Nasal Staphylococcus aureus Carriage in Humans?
- Ruimy Raymond
- Angebault Cécile
- Djossou Félix
- Dupont Claire
- Epelboin Loïc
- Jarraud Sophie
- Lefevre Laurence Armand
- Bes Michele
- Lixandru Brandusa Elena
- Bertine Mélanie
- El Miniai Assiya
- Renard Magaly
- Bettinger Régis Marc
- Lescat Mathilde
- Clermont Olivier
- Peroz Gilles
- Lina Gérard
- Tavakol Mehri
- Vandenesch François
- van Belkum Alex
- Rousset Francois
- Andremont Antoine
DOI : 10.1086/655901 -
Identification of cascade of Hammerstein models for the description of non-linearities in vibrating devices
- Rébillat Marc
- Hennequin Romain
- Corteel Etienne
- Katz Brian F.G.
DOI : 10.1016/j.jsv.2010.09.012 -
Sustainable and Realistic Commitments for the Supply of Energy
- Salençon Jean
Investigation of capillary collapse in granular materials by x-ray microtomography
- Bruchon J.F
- Lenoir Nicolas
- Pereira Jean-Michel
- Vandamme Matthieu
- Bornert Michel
- Delage Pierre
A thermodynamical approach of moving discontinuities
- Stolz Claude
A thermodynamical approach of moving discontinuties : application to wear and friction
- Stolz Claude
Apparent and effective properties of random linear composites
- Salmi M.
- Auslender F.
- Bornert Michel
- Fogli Michel
The effect of small deviatoric stresses on cavern creep behavior
- Brouard Benoit
- Berest Pierre
- Karimi-Jafari Mehdi
The effect of small deviatoric stresses on cavern creep behavior.
- Berest Pierre
- Bérest P.
- Karimi-Jafari Mehdi
Modeling of thermal shock-induced damage in a borosilicate glass
- Dubé Martine
- Doquet Véronique
- Constantinescu Andrei
- George Daniel
- Remond Yves
- Ahzi Saïd
DOI : 10.1016/j.mechmat.2010.07.002 -
Modélisation du Comportement Cyclique d'un Thermoplastique Renforcé en Fibres de Verre Courtes
- Launay Antoine
- Maitournam Habibou
- Marco Yann
- Raoult Ida
- Szmytka Fabien
Dual integrals in non linear fracture mechanics
- Stolz Claude