
Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
Non-smooth simulation of a 6-DOF dynamical model of the grand piano action
- Thorin Anders
- Boutillon Xavier
- Lozada José
- Merlhiot Xavier
Etude de l'amorçage en corrosion sous contrainte d'alliages à base de nickel soudés : influence des paramètres microstructuraux
- Chaumun Elizabeth
- Guerre Catherine
- Héripré Eva
- Sennour Mohamed
- Crépin Jérôme
- Duhamel Cecilie
- Curières Ian De
Effets du taux de déformation sur la rupture ductile des aciers à haute performance : Expériences et modélisation
- Dunand Matthieu
Mechanical evolution of an altered limestone using 2D and 3D digital image correlation (DIC)
- Zinsmeister L.
- Dautriat J.
- Dimanov A.
- Raphanel J.
- Bornert Michel
Improving Efficiency of Data Assimilation Procedure for a Biomechanical Heart Model by Representing Surfaces as Currents
- Imperiale Alexandre
- Routier Alexandre
- Durrleman Stanley
- Moireau Philippe
DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-38899-6_41 -
Surface-based electrophysiology modeling and assessment of physiological simulations in atria
- Collin Annabelle
- Gerbeau Jean-Frédéric
- Hocini Mélèze
- Haïssaguerre Michel
- Chapelle Dominique
DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-38899-6_42 -
Dimensional Reduction of Cardiac Models for Effective Validation and Calibration
- Caruel Matthieu
- Chabiniok Radomir
- Moireau Philippe
- Lecarpentier Yves
- Chapelle Dominique
Variational models for an elastic structure containing a periodic layer of fibers whose cross-section has a size of the same order of the period
- Geymonat Giuseppe
Effects of a rapid depressurization in a salt cavern
- Berest Pierre
- Djizanne Hippolyte
- Brouard Benoit
- Hévin Grégoire
Polarization-resolved SHG microscopy of rat-tail tendon with controlled mechanical strain
- Gusachenko Ivan
- Goulam Houssen Yannick
- Tran V.
- Allain Jean-Marc
- Schanne-Klein Marie-Claire
DOI : 10.1117/12.2032627 -
Muscle as a Metamaterial Operating Near a Critical Point
- Caruel Matthieu
- Allain Jean-Marc
- Truskinovsky Lev
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.248103 -
Gradient Theory: Constitutive Models and Fatigue Criteria; Application in Micromechanics
- Luu D.H.
Structural effects in dynamic testing of brittle materials
- Gary Gérard
Asymptotic analysis of small defects near a singular point in anti-plane elasticity. Application to the nucleation of a crack at a notch
- Dang Thi Bach Tuyet
- Halpern Laurence
- Marigo Jean-Jacques
Infrared thermography: a powerful tool to characterize the thermomechanical and fatigue properties of short glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics structural samples
- Le Saux V.
- Marco Yann
- Launay Antoine
- Jegou Loïc
- Calloch Sylvain
Microsphere model for strain-induced crystallization in rubber
- Guilie Joachim
- Lê Thien-Nga
- Le Tallec Patrick
A non-smooth simulation of the dynamics of the grand piano action
- Thorin Anders
- Boutillon Xavier
- Merlhiot Xavier
- Lozada José
Vibration model of piano soundboards
- Boutillon Xavier
- Ege Kerem
Micromechanics of argillaceous rocks investigated by means of in situ hydromechanical testing in an environmental scanning electron microscope
- Wang Linlin
- Bornert Michel
- Heripre Eva
- Caldemaison Daniel
- Chanchole Serge
Quantitative investigation of grain boundary sliding in halite rock by SEM in situ testing and full field strains measurements
- Gaye Ababacar
- Bourcier Mathieu
- Heripre Eva
- Bornert Michel
- Dimanov Alexandre
- Raphanel Jean
- Sab Karam
Nonlinear Donati compatibility conditions for the nonlinear Kirchhoff -von K arm an-Love plate theory
- Ciarlet Philippe G.
- Geymonat Giuseppe
- Krasucki Francoise
DOI : 10.1016/j.crma.2013.05.012 -
Standard gradient plasticity: formulation and numerical integration
- Luu Duy-Hao
- Maitournam Habibou
- Nguyen Son
Etude numérique de la statistique des champs locaux : tailles de VER
- Salmi M.
- Auslender F.
- Bornert Michel
- Fogli M
Cyclic behavior of elasto-plastic porous materials subjected to triaxial loading conditions
- Mbiakop Armel
- Carpiuc Andreea
- Constantinescu Andrei
- Danas Kostas
Intégrale invariante pour la propagation de fissure en élastoplasticité sous chargement de fatigue
- Riolo Vincent
- Chiaruttini Vincent
- Guilié Joachim
- Feyel Frédéric