Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
Two coexisting mechanisms of irreversible deformation : crystal plasticity and grains boundary sliding - the case of sodium chloride
- Raphanel Jean
- Dimanov Alexandre
- Bornert Michel
- Bourcier Mathieu
- Gaye Ababacar
- D. Picard
Criticality in the slowed-down boiling crisis at zero gravity
- Charignon T
- Lloveras P
- Chatain D
- Truskinovsky L
- Vives E
- Beysens D
- Nikolayev Vadim
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevE.91.053007 -
Viscoplasticity and grain boundary damage in rock salt investigated by 2D and 3D full field measurements
- Dimanov A.
- Bornert Michel
- Bourcier Mathieu
- Gaye Ababacar
- D. Picard
- Gharbi H.
- Ludwig W.
- Raphanel J.
- Sab Karam
Ductile shear zone rheology : the viewpoint of experimentally crept lower crustal rocks and analogues
- Dimanov Alexandre
- Raphanel Jean
- Bornert Michel
- Bourcier Mathieu
- Gaye Ababacar
- Ludwig Wolfgang
Ex vivo multiscale quantitation of skin biomechanics in wild-type and genetically-modified mice using multiphoton microscopy
- Bancelin Stéphane
- Lynch Barbara
- Bonod-Bidaud Christelle
- Ducourthial Guillaume
- Psilodimitrakopoulos Sotiris
- Dokládal Petr
- Allain Jean-Marc
- Schanne-Klein Marie-Claire
- Ruggiero, Florence
DOI : 10.1038/srep17635 -
Gradient damage models coupled with plasticity: Variational formulation and main properties
- Alessi Roberto
- Marigo Jean‐jacques
- Vidoli Stefano
DOI : 10.1016/j.mechmat.2013.12.005 -
Microstructure and deformation mechanisms of a solid propellant using 1H NMR spectroscopy
- Azoug Aurélie
- Constantinescu Andrei
- Nevière Robert
- Jacob Guy
DOI : 10.1016/j.fuel.2015.01.074 -
The IVS data input to ITRF2014
- Nothnagel Axel
- Alef Walter
- Amagai Jun
- Andersen Per Helge
- Andreeva Tatiana
- Artz Thomas
- Bachmann Sabine
- Barache Christophe
- Baudry Alain
- Bauernfeind Erhard
- Baver Karen
- Beaudoin Christopher
- Behrend Dirk
- Bellanger A.
- Berdnikov Anton
- Bergman Per
- Bernhart Simone
- Bertarini Alessandra
- Bianco Giuseppe
- Bielmaier Ewald
- Boboltz David
- Böhm Johannes
- Böhm Sigrid
- Boer Armin
- Bolotin Sergei
- Bougeard Mireille
- Bourda G.
- Buttaccio Salvo
- Cannizzaro Letizia
- Cappallo Roger
- Carlson Brent
- Carter Merri Sue
- Charlot P.
- Chen Chenyu
- Chen Maozheng
- Cho Jungho
- Clark Thomas
- Collioud A.
- Colomer Francisco
- Colucci Giuseppe
- Combrinck Ludwig
- Conway John
- Corey Brian
- Curtis Ronald
- Dassing Reiner
- Davis Maria
- de Vicente Pablo
- Diakov Alexey
- Dickey John
- Diegel Irv
- Doi Koichiro
- Drewes Hermann
- Dube Maurice
- Elgered Gunnar
- Engelhardt Gerald
- Evangelista Mark
- Fan Qingyuan
- Fedotov Leonid
- Fey Alan
- Figueroa Ricardo
- Fukuzaki Yoshihiro
- Gambis Daniel
- Garcia-Espada Susana
- Gaume Ralph
- Gaylard Michael
- Geiger Nicole
- Gipson John
- Gomez Frank
- Gomez-Gonzalez Jesus
- Gordon David
- Govind Ramesh
- Gubanov Vadim
- Gulyaev Sergei
- Haas Ruediger
- Hall David
- Halsig Sebastian
- Hammargren Roger
- Hase Hayo
- Heinkelmann Robert
- Helldner Leif
- Herrera Cristian
- Himwich Ed
- Hobiger Thomas
- Holst Christoph
- Hong Xiaoyu
- Honma Mareki
- Huang Xinyong
- Hugentobler Urs
- Ichikawa Ryuichi
- Iddink Andreas
- Ihde Johannes
- Ilijin Gennadiy
- Ipatov Alexander
- Ipatova Irina
- Ishihara Misao
- Ivanov D. V.
- Jacobs Chris
- Jike Takaaki
- Johansson Karl-Ake
- Johnson Heidi
- Johnston Kenneth
- Ju Hyunhee
- Karasawa Masao
- Kaufmann Pierre
- Kawabata Ryoji
- Kawaguchi Noriyuki
- Kawai Eiji
- Kaydanovsky Michael
- Kharinov Mikhail
- Kobayashi Hideyuki
- Kokado Kensuke
- Kondo Tetsuro
- Korkin Edward
- Koyama Yasuhiro
- Krasna Hana
- Kronschnabl Gerhard
- Kurdubov Sergey
- Kurihara Shinobu
- Kuroda Jiro
- Kwak Younghee
- La Porta Laura
- Labelle Ruth
- Lamb Doug
- Lambert Sébastien
- Langkaas Line
- Lanotte Roberto
- Lavrov Alexey
- Le Bail Karine
- Leek Judith
- Li Bing
- Li Huihua
- Li Jinling
- Liang Shiguang
- Lindqvist Michael
- Liu Xiang
- Loesler Michael
- Long Jim
- Lonsdale Colin
- Lovell Jim
- Lowe Stephen
- Lucena Antonio
- Luzum Brian
- Ma Chopo
- Ma Jun
- Maccaferri Giuseppe
- Machida Morito
- Macmillan Dan
- Madzak Matthias
- Malkin Zinovy
- Manabe Seiji
- Mantovani Franco
- Mardyshkin Vyacheslav
- Marshalov Dmitry
- Mathiassen Geir
- Matsuzaka Shigeru
- Mccarthy Dennis
- Melnikov Alexey
- Michailov Andrey
- Miller Natalia
- Mitchell Donald
- Mora-Diaz Julian Andres
- Mueskens Arno
- Mukai Yasuko
- Nanni Mauro
- Natusch Tim
- Negusini Monia
- Neidhardt Alexander
- Nicolson George
- Niell Arthur
- Nikitin Pavel
- Nilsson Tobias
- Ning Tong
- Nishikawa Takashi
- Noll Carey
- Nozawa Kentarou
- Ogaja Clement
- Oh Hongjong
- Olofsson Hans
- Opseth Per Erik
- Orfei Sandro
- Pacione Rosa
- Pazamickas Katherine
- Petrachenko William
- Pettersson Lars
- Pino Pedro
- Plank Lucia
- Ploetz Christian
- Poirier Michael
- Poutanen Markku
- Qian Zhihan
- Quick Jonathan
- Rahimov Ismail
- Redmond Jay
- Reid Brett
- Reynolds John
- Richter Bernd
- Rioja Maria
- Romero-Wolf Andres
- Ruszczyk Chester
- Salnikov Alexander
- Sarti Pierguido
- Schatz Raimund
- Scherneck Hans-Georg
- Schiavone Francesco
- Schreiber Ulrich
- Schuh Harald
- Schwarz Walter
- Sciarretta Cecilia
- Searle Anthony
- Sekido Mamoru
- Seitz Manuela
- Shao Minghui
- Shibuya Kazuo
- Shu Fengchun
- Sieber Moritz
- Skjaeveland Asmund
- Skurikhina Elena
- Smolentsev Sergey
- Smythe Dan
- Sousa Don
- Sovers Ojars
- Stanford Laura
- Stanghellini Carlo
- Steppe Alan
- Strand Rich
- Sun Jing
- Surkis Igor
- Takashima Kazuhiro
- Takefuji Kazuhiro
- Takiguchi Hiroshi
- Tamura Yoshiaki
- Tanabe Tadashi
- Tanir Emine
- Tao An
- Tateyama Claudio
- Teke Kamil
- Thomas Cynthia
- Thorandt Volkmar
- Thornton Bruce
- Tierno Ros Claudia
- Titov Oleg
- Titus Mike
- Tomasi Paolo
- Tornatore Vincenza
- Trigilio Corrado
- Trofimov Dmitriy
- Tsutsumi Masanori
- Tuccari Gino
- Tzioumis Tasso
- Ujihara Hideki
- Ullrich Dieter
- Uunila Minttu
- Venturi Tiziana
- Vespe Francesco
- Vityazev Veniamin
- Volvach Alexandr
- Vytnov Alexander
- Wang Guangli
- Wang Jinqing
- Wang Lingling
- Wang Na
- Wang Shiqiang
- Wei Wenren
- Weston Stuart
- Whitney Alan
- Wojdziak Reiner
- Yatskiv Yaroslav
- Yang Wenjun
- Ye Shuhua
- Yi Sangoh
- Yusup Aili
- Zapata Octavio
- Zeitlhoefler Reinhard
- Zhang Hua
- Zhang Ming
- Zhang Xiuzhong
- Zhao Rongbing
- Zheng Weimin
- Zhou Ruixian
- Zubko Nataliya
DOI : 10.5880/GFZ.1.1.2015.002 -
About the use of standard integration schemes for X-FEM in solid mechanics plasticity
- Martin Alexandre
- Esnault J.-B
- Massin Patrick
DOI : 10.1016/j.cma.2014.09.028 -
Non-linear numerical simulation of coiling by elastic finite strain model
- Weisz-Patrault Daniel
- Ehrlacher Alain
- Legrand Nicolas
- Mathey Elliette
DOI : 10.4028/ -
Data assimilation of time under-sampled measurements using observers, the wave-like equation example
- Cindea Nicolae
- Imperiale Alexandre
- Moireau Philippe
DOI : 10.1051/cocv/2014042 -
On void shape effects of periodic elasto-plastic materials subjected to cyclic loading
- Mbiakop Armel
- Constantinescu Andrei
- Danas Kostas
DOI : 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2014.09.001 -
A computational approach for the lifetime prediction of cardiovascular balloon-expandable stents
- Auricchio Ferdinando
- Constantinescu Andrei
- Conti Michele
- Scalet Giulia
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2015.02.002 -
Multi-axial Fatigue Criteria with Length Scale and Gradient Effects
- Zepeng Ma
- Maitournam Habibou
- Le Tallec Patrick
DOI : 10.1016/j.proeng.2015.12.624 -
Fatigue of Clip Connectors for Offshore Drilling Risers under the Combined Influence of High Mean Stress and Biaxial Tension
- Gaur Vidit
- Doquet Véronique
- Persent Emmanuel
- Roguet Eléonore
DOI : 10.1016/j.proeng.2015.12.631 -
Full scale lab testing for the determination of rock bolt contribution to reinforced joint shear strength
- Maiolino S.
- Pellet Frederic
Dynamic testing of concrete under high confined pressure. Influence of saturation ratio and aggregate size
- Forquin Pascal
- Piotrowska E.
- Gary G.
DOI : 10.1051/epjconf/20159401071 -
Influence of bending resistance on the dynamics of a spherical capsule in shear flow
- Dupont Claire
- Salsac Anne-Virginie
- Barthes-Biesel Dominique
- Vidrascu Marina
- Le Tallec Patrick
DOI : 10.1063/1.4921247 -
Interactions between interfacial sliding, diffuse micro cracking and crystal plasticity in polycrystalline rock salt investigated by 2D and 3D digital image correlation
- Dimanov Alexandre
- Bornert Michel
- Bourcier Mathieu
- Gaye Ababacar
- D. Picard
- Héripré Eva
- Gharbi H.
- Ludwig Wolfgang
- Raphanel Jean
- Sab Karam
A New Method Combining Finite Element Analysis and Digital Image Correlation to Assess Macroscopic Mechanical Properties of Dentin
- Wang Wenlong
- Roubier Nicolas
- Puel Guillaume
- Allain Jean-Marc
- Ingrid C. Infante
- Attal Jean-Pierre
- Vennat Elsa
DOI : 10.3390/ma8020535 -
Multiscale identification of the random elasticity field at mesoscale of a heterogeneous microstructure using multiscale experimental observations
- Nguyen Manh-Tu
- Desceliers Christophe
- Soize Christian
- Allain Jean-Marc
- Gharbi H.
DOI : 10.1615/IntJMultCompEng.2015011435 -
Competition between microstructure and defect in multiaxial high cycle fatigue
- Morel Franck
- Guerchais Raphaël
- Saintier Nicolas
DOI : 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.33.45 -
Displacement Reconstructions in Ultrasound Elastography
- Bal Guillaume
- Imperiale Sébastien
DOI : 10.1137/140988504 -
Microplasticity in Polycrystals: A Thermomechanical Experimental Perspective
- Charkaluk Eric
- Seghir Rian
- Bodelot Laurence
- Witz Jean-Francois
- Dufrenoy Philippe
DOI : 10.1007/s11340-014-9921-z -
Improved numerical integration for locking treatment in isogeometric structural elements. Part II: Plates and shells
- Adam Cédric
- Bouabdallah Salim
- Zarroug Malek
- Maitournam Habibou
DOI : 10.1016/j.cma.2014.07.020