
Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
Numerical and experimental studies of two-phase flows interacting with a bundle of tubes
- Bazin Clément
Adaptative observers for wave equations and associated discretizations : formulations and analysis.
- Delaunay Tiphaine
Study of metallic architected materials under mechanical and electromagnetic loads
- Magda Geoffrey
Mathematical analysis of an observer for solving inverse source wave problem
- Delaunay Tiphaine
- Imperiale Sébastien
- Moireau Philippe
Finite Strain Formulation of the Discrete Equilibrium Gap Principle: Application to Mechanically Consistent Regularization for Large Motion Tracking
- Genet Martin
DOI : 10.5802/crmeca.228 -
Identification of PCPE-2 as the endogenous specific inhibitor of human BMP-1/tolloid-like proteinases
- Vadon-Le Goff Sandrine
- Tessier Agnès
- Napoli Manon
- Dieryckx Cindy
- Bauer Julien
- Dussoyer Mélissa
- Lagoutte Priscillia
- Peyronnel Célian
- Essayan Lucie
- Kleiser Svenja
- Tueni Nicole
- Bettler Emmanuel
- Mariano Natacha
- Errazuriz-Cerda Elisabeth
- Fruchart Gaillard Carole
- Ruggiero Florence
- Becker-Pauly Christoph
- Allain Jean-Marc
- Bruckner-Tuderman Leena
- Nyström Alexander
- Moali Catherine
DOI : 10.1038/s41467-023-43401-0 -
Effect of the scanning strategy and tribological conditions on the wear resistance of IN718 obtained by Laser Metal Deposition
- Zurcher Théo
- Bouvard Gaëtan
- Abry Jean-Christophe
- Charkaluk Eric
- Fridrici Vincent
DOI : 10.1016/j.wear.2023.205152 -
On the generalized plane strain assumption for pressurized membranes
- Thbaut Manon
- Brisard Sébastien
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2023.112506 -
Reliable fatigue design of personal vehicle chassis parts from multi-input loads and unsupervised statistical analyses
- Baroux Emilien
- Pamphile Patrick
- Delattre Benoit
- Constantinescu Andrei
- Rota Laurent
Modeling and Data Assimilation for Ultrasonic Guided Waves in Structural Health Monitoring under Operational Loading Conditions
- Dalmora André
On the accuracy of temperature estimates from in operando X-ray diffraction measurements during additive manufacturing
- Gaudez Steve
- Weisz-Patrault Daniel
- Abdesselam Kouider Abdellah
- Gharbi Hakim
- Honkimäki Veijo
- van Petegem Steven
- Upadhyay Manas Vijay
Tenue à l’usure et réparation de pièces métalliques obtenues par fabrication additive
- Zurcher Théo
A jump-diffusion stochastic formalism for muscle contraction models at multiple timescales
- Chaintron Louis-Pierre
- Kimmig François
- Caruel Matthieu
- Moireau Philippe
DOI : 10.1063/5.0158191 -
An implicit–explicit time discretization for elastic wave propagation problems in plates
- Methenni Hajer
- Imperiale Alexandre
- Imperiale Sébastien
DOI : 10.1002/nme.7393 -
- Gounand Stephane
- Courtois Mathieu
- Bulik Michal
- Constantinescu Andrei
Review of "An energy approach to asymptotic, higher-order, linear homogenization
- Audoly Basile
- Lestringant Claire
- Seppecher Pierre
- Pasini Damiano
- Ganghoffer Jean-Francois
- Brassart Laurence
Development and qualification of clinical grade decellularized and cryopreserved human esophagi
- Godefroy William
- Faivre Lionel
- Sansac Caroline
- Thierry Briac
- Allain Jean-Marc
- Bruneval Patrick
- Agniel Rémy
- Kellouche Sabrina
- Monasson Olivier
- Peroni Elisa
- Setterblad Niclas
- Braik Massymissa
- Even Benjamin
- Cheverry Sophie
- Domet Thomas
- Albanese Patricia
- Larghero Jérôme
- Cattan Pierre
- Arakelian Lousineh
DOI : 10.1038/s41598-023-45610-5 -
A micro-poro-mechanical model of the lung parenchyma
- Genet Martin
- Manoochehrtayebi Mahdi
- Bel-Brunon Aline
Plumes and large scale circulation in turbulent thermal convection with a rough plate
- Sergent Anne
- Fraigneau Yann
- Lucor Didier
Multi-scale analysis of a porous carbonate rock under triaxial conditions
- Doré-Ossipyan Catherine
- Sulem Jean
- Bornert Michel
- Dimanov Alexandre
- Aimedieu Patrick
- de Greef Vincent
- King Andrew
Mathematical framework for biological tissue perfusion modeling and simulation
- Barré Mathieu
Biomécanique de la cornée
- Giraudet Chloé
- Allain Jean-Marc
- Bansaye Vincent
- Kuhn Estelle
- Moireau Philippe
DOI : 10.5802/msia.28 -
Modeling actin-myosin interaction: beyond the Huxley–Hill framework
- Chaintron Louis-Pierre
- Caruel Matthieu
- Kimmig François
DOI : 10.5802/msia.38 -
Metal foam-salt hydrate composites for thermochemical energy storage
- Liu Yutong