
Sont listées ci-dessous, par année, les publications figurant dans l'archive ouverte HAL.
Bayesian Identification of Surrogate Microstructure Generators
- Eisenhardt Philipp
- Khristenko Ustim
- Wohlmuth Barbara
- Constantinescu Andrei
Asymptotic analysis of abstract two-scale wave propagation problems
- Imperiale Sébastien
Intergranular stress and plastic strain formation during laser scanning of an additively manufactured stainless steel: an experimentally-driven thermomechanical simulation study
- Mohanan Nikhil
- Macías Juan Guillermo Santos
- Bleyer Jérémy
- Helfer Thomas
- Upadhyay Manas
DOI : 10.1016/j.mtla.2024.102082 -
On the influence of secondary branches on crack propagation in Rolling Contact Fatigue
- Zaid Mael
- Doquet V.
- Chiaruttini Vincent
- Depouhon Pierre
- Bonnand Vincent
- Pacou Didier
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2024.108211 -
Numéro spécial hommage à Pierre Bérest
- Blanco-Martín Laura
- Brouard Benoît
- Constantinescu Andréi
- Cosenza Philippe
- Dimanov Alexandre
- Sulem Jean
DOI : 10.1051/geotech/2024021 -
Microstructure mastering and fatigue behavior of duplex stainless steel obtained with laser powder bed fusion
- Piras Maxime
- Hor Anis
- Charkaluk E.
DOI : 10.21741/9781644903131-33 -
Well-posedness and potential-based formulation for the propagation of hydro-acoustic waves and tsunamis
- Dubois Juliette
- Imperiale Sébastien
- Mangeney Anne
- Sainte-Marie Jacques
DOI : 10.1051/m2an/2024076 -
Using a micro-device with a deformable ceiling to probe stiffness heterogeneities within 3D cell aggregates
- Jain Shreyansh
- Belkadi Hiba
- Michaut Arthur
- Sart Sébastien
- Gros Jérôme
- Genet Martin
- Baroud Charles N
DOI : 10.1088/1758-5090/ad30c7 -
Multi-scale experimental deformation and damage initiation of clay-rich rocks
- Lusseyran Matthieu
- Tanguy Alexandre
- Bonnelye Audrey
- Dimanov Alexandre
- Fortin Jerome
Rock salt creep: a cross-check test to cover the full relevant range of deviatoric stresses
- Blanco-Martín Laura
- Jiménez-Camargo Jubier
- Jaworowicz Jerzy
- Gharbi Hakim
- Dimanov Alexandre
- Bornert Michel
- Brouard Benoît
DOI : 10.1051/geotech/2024017 -
Coupling Phase Field Crystal and Field Dislocation Mechanics for a consistent description of dislocation structure and elasticity
- Upadhyay Manas V
- Viñals Jorge
Deformation of Aluminum Investigated by Digital Image Correlation: Evidence of Simultaneous Crystal Slip and Grain Boundary Sliding
- Dimanov A.
- El Sabbagh A.
- Raphanel J.
- Bornert M.
- LE Thien-Nga
- Hallais S.
- Tanguy A.
DOI : 10.1007/s11661-024-07349-0 -
In-situ localization of damage in a Zn-Al-Mg coating deposited on steel by continuous hot-dip galvanizing
- Chaieb Houssem Eddine
- Maurel Vincent
- Ammar K
- Forest Samuel
- Tanguy Alexandre
- Héripré Eva
- Nozahic Franck
- Mataigne Jean-Michel
- de Strycker Joost
DOI : 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2023.115960 -
Effect of the elevated temperature on the wear behavior of Laser Metal Deposition IN718 repairs
- Zurcher Théo
- Bouvard Gaëtan
- Abry Jean-Christophe
- Fridrici Vincent
- Charkaluk Éric
DOI : 10.1016/j.triboint.2024.109276 -
Introduction aux équations aux dérivées partielles hyperboliques et à leur approximation numérique
- Fliss Sonia
- Bonnet-Ben Dhia Anne-Sophie
- Joly Patrick
- Moireau Philippe
Multi-scale Modeling of the Lung Parenchyma
- Manoochehrtayebi Mahdi
A unified theoretical modeling framework for soft and hard magnetorheological elastomers
- Danas Kostas
DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-48351-6_3 -
The effect of echoes interference on phonon attenuation in a nanophononic membrane
- Hadi Mohammad
- Luo Haoming
- Pailhès Stéphane
- Tanguy Anne
- Gravouil Anthony
- Capotondi Flavio
- de Angelis Dario
- Fainozzi Danny
- Foglia Laura
- Mincigrucci Riccardo
- Paltanin Ettore
- Pedersoli Emanuele
- Pelli-Cresi Jacopo
- Bencivenga Filippo
- Giordano Valentina
DOI : 10.1038/s41467-024-45571-x -
Comportement en fissuration d’une colle thermoplastique pour application de joints de pales éoliennes
- Coq Arnaud
Comparison of the phase-field approach and cohesive element modeling to analyze the double cleavage drilled compression fracture test of an elastoplastic material
- Coq Arnaud
- Diani Julie
- Brach Stella
DOI : 10.1007/s10704-023-00755-2 -
M-Voronoi and other random open and closed-cell elasto-plastic cellular materials: Geometry generation and numerical study at small and large strains
- Hooshmand-Ahoor Z
- Luo H
- Danas K
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2024.112680 -
QuadWire: an extended one dimensional model for efficient mechanical simulations of bead-based additive manufacturing processes
- Preumont Laurane
- Viano Rafaël
- Weisz-Patrault Daniel
- Margerit Pierre
- Allaire Grégoire
Very fast simulation of growth competition between columnar dendritic grains during melt pool solidification
- Dollé Quentin
- Weisz-Patrault Daniel
Very fast simulation of growth competition between columnar dendritic grains during melt pool solidification
- Dollé Quentin
- Weisz-Patrault Daniel
DOI : 10.1016/j.commatsci.2024.113112 -
A time-domain spectral finite element method for acoustoelasticity: modeling the effect of mechanical loading on guided wave propagation
- Dalmora Andre Luiz
- Imperiale Alexandre
- Imperiale Sébastien
- Moireau Philippe
DOI : 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2024.103328