
Dimensionnement à la fatigue polycyclique de structures soudées
- Fayard Jean-Luc
Morphologie microstructurale et comportement mécanique ; caractérisations expérimentales, approches par bornes et estimations autocohérentes généralisées.
- Bornert Michel
Modélisation micro-macro autocohérente du comportement du sel gemme : comparaison avec l'expérience de laboratoire
- Thorel Luc
- Pouya Ahmad
- Ghoreychi Mehdi
About a new experimental method of identification of the dynamic toughness of materials
- Maigre Hubert
- Rittel Daniel
DOI : 10.1007/978-4-431-65947-1_5 -
Stability analysis of a jointed rock excavation through a homogenization method
- de Buhan Patrick
- Maghous Samir
- Bekaert Arnaud
Mutation by imitation in boolean evolution strategies
- Sebag Michèle
- Schoenauer Marc
Recent progress in convergence confinement method
- Minh Duc Nguyen
- Guo Chifei
Polynomial time learning in logic programming and constraint logic programming
- Sebag Michèle
- Rouveirol Céline
Seismic bearing capacity of shallow foundations in Mexico city during the 1985 Michoacan earthquake
- Auvinet Gabriel
- Pecker Alain
- Salençon Jean
Capacité portante des fondations superficielles dans la ville de Mexico pendant le séisme de Michoacan de 1985
- Pecker Alain
- Auvinet Gabriel
- Salençon Jean
- Romo Miguel P
A mesoscale experimental approach of plasticity and damage
- Bretheau Thierry
- Bornert Michel
- Caldemaison Daniel
DOI : 10.1016/B978-1-85573-424-1.50005-8 -
Contrôle non destructif et Intelligence Artificielle.
- Terrien M.
On the use of SHPB techniques to determine the dynamic behavior of materials in the range of small strains
- Zhao Han
- Gary Gérard
DOI : 10.1016/0020-7683(95)00186-7 -
Micromechanics of Plasticity and Damage of Multiphase Materials
- Pineau André
- Zaoui André
DOI : 10.1007/978-94-009-1756-9 -
A tentative evaluation of the MIT.
- Bérest P.
- Bergues J.
- Brouard B.
- Durup G.
- Guerber B.
Crash des containers mobiles
- Zarka J.
An advanced evolution should not repeat its past errors
- Ravisé Caroline
- Sebag Michèle
Behavior of sealed solution-mined caverns
- Bérest Pierre
- Brouard Benoit
- Durup Gérard
Calcul à la rupture: étude d'une suite de cinématiques, cas de l'axisymétrie
- Corfdir Alain
Testing and modelling the dynamic behavior of polymeric foams used in automotive industry dummies
- Gary Gérard
- Rota L.
- Thomas Jean-Jacques
- Zhao Han
Optimal design of structures with direct links to CAD
- Zarka Joseph
- Navidi Pierre
Infrared thermography of damage in wood
- Luong Minh-Phong
Infrared thermography of fatigue behavior of concrete under compression
- Luong Minh-Phong
Three-dimensional yield strength properties of jointed rock mass as a homogenized medium
- Bekaert Arnaud
- Maghous Samir
DOI : 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1484(199601)1:1<1::AID-CFM1>3.0.CO;2-O -
An induction-based control for genetic algorithms
- Sebag Michèle
- Schoenauer Marc
- Ravisé Caroline
DOI : 10.1007/3-540-59286-5_85