Formulation and well-posedness of the dynamics of rigid-body systems with perfect unilateral constraints
- Ballard Patrick
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Nouveaux outils pour la conception fiable des structures
- Karaouni Habib
Second-order estimates for the effective behaviour of viscoplastic polycrystalline materials
- Bornert Michel
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Surface d'écoulement macroscopique des milieux poreux : Modification du critère de Gurson par une approche micromécanique
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Tightness Tests in Salt-Cavern Wells
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Propagation d'ondes dans les milieux granulaires
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The effect of small concentrations of sulfur on the plasticity of zirconium alloys at intermediate temperatures
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Inductive Logic Programming
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Boundary element based formulations for crack shape sensitivity analysis
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A new approach for Hardening Rate Measurements in HCP Materials and Applications in Mechanical Modelling
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Creep of argillites under small mechanical loading
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Dynamique des systèmes de solides rigides avec liaisons unilatérales ou frottement
- Ballard Patrick
Storage of tritiated water in salt caverns
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Étude modale d'une clarinette
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Intelligent design of woven composites
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Affaissement en surface lors du creusement d'un souterrain
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Etude thermodynamique de l'évolution sous chargement dynamique de structures délaminées
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X-ray computed tomography of sugar crystals flow in silo
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Exploiting complete or partial geometrical symmetry in Symmetric Galerkin BEM
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Some aspects of dynamic testing with wave-guides
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Solid-fluid phase transformation within grain boundaries during compaction by pressure solution
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Application du contrôle optimal à l'identification d'un chargement thermique
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On the behaviour characterisation of polymeric foams over a large range of strain rates
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Techniques of Infrared Thermography
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