
Constitutive modelling in plasticity
- Stolz Claude
Evaluation non destructive de la performance mécanique du cuir
- Luong Minh-Phong
Principes variationnels et exploitation de mesures de champs en élasticité
- Bonnet Marc
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Structure and morphology of [icosahedral Al62Cu25.5Fe12.5]100−x[decagonal Al70Co15Ni15]x alloys, for (0∼3 and 5∼10)
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Étude micro-mécanique de l'effet de la présence d'amas d'inclusions sur la transition fragile-ductile d'aciers nucléaires.
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Cavity identification using 3-D elastodynamic BEM, shape sensitivity and topological derivative
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Détermination de la réponse asymptotique d'une structure anélastique soumise à un chargement thermomécanique cyclique.
- Pommier Benjamin
A discussion of sensitivity analysis for the identification of poroelastic material parameters
- Constantinescu Andrei
- Lecampion Brice
Modelling attemps to predict fretting fatigue life in turbine components
- Arrieta Hernan
- Wackers Patrick
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- Constantinescu Andrei
Modèles standards généralisés à convexe fixe en endommagement
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DOI : 10.1016/S1631-0721(03)00057-3 -
IABEM 2002
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Underground cavity detection based on an elastodynamic boundary element approach and the topological derivative
- Bonnet Marc
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In situ field measurements
- Bornert Michel
Identification du chargement thermique transitoire par contrôle optimal
- Constantinescu Andrei
- Ivaldi Damien
- Stolz Claude
Dissipation and Fatigue Damage
- Charkaluk Eric
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Direct evaluation of double singular integrals and new free terms in 2D (symmetric) Galerkin BEM
- Bonnet Marc
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État thermodynamique d'un solide après passage d'une onde de choc
- Stolz Claude
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An optimal approach to the analysis of inelastic structures under cyclic loading
- Peigney Michaël
- Stolz Claude
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Linear stability analysis in fluid-structure interaction with transpiration. Part I: Formulation and mathematical analysis
- Fernández Miguel Angel
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The treatment of 'pinching locking' in 3D-shell elements
- Chapelle Dominique
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Prise en compte de la rugosité dans le prévision de la tenue en fatigue des roulements
- Thoquenne Guillaume
- Lubrecht Ton
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- Peyrac Catherine
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Peierls-Nabarro landscape for martensitic phase transitions
- Truskinowsky Lev
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Crystallographic fatigue crack growth in a polycrystal: simulations based on FEM and discrete dislocation dynamics
- Bertolino Graciela
- Doquet Véronique
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Remarques sur les contraintes résiduelles
- Bérest Pierre
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DOI : 10.1016/S1631-0721(03)00090-1 -
Testing with SHPB from quasi-static to dynamic strain rates
- Othman Ramzi
- Bussac Marie-Noëlle
- Collet Pierre
- Gary Gérard
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