
Linear stability analysis in fluid-structure interaction with transpiration. Part II: Numerical analysis and applications
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A “Numerical Mesoscope” for the Investigation of Local Fields in Rate-Dependent Elastoplastic Materials at Finite Strain
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Linear stability analysis in fluid-structure interaction with transpiration. Part I: Formulation and mathematical analysis
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The treatment of 'pinching locking' in 3D-shell elements
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Peierls-Nabarro landscape for martensitic phase transitions
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Crystallographic fatigue crack growth in a polycrystal: simulations based on FEM and discrete dislocation dynamics
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Etude micromécanique de la disparition du seuil de fissuration par fatigue dans un alliage de titane biphasé à fort K<sub>max</sub>
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Prise en compte de la rugosité dans le prévision de la tenue en fatigue des roulements
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Numerical and experimental modal analysis of the reed and pipe of a clarinet
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Identification numérique des fissures planes en élastodynamique
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Modélisation de la fatigue des matériaux à mémoire de forme
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Analytical methods for dynamic response of underground structures
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An `affine' micromechanical approach for the prediction of the elastoplastic behaviour of polycrystals at finite strain
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