
Image-based data assimilation methods for the personalization of mechanical models - Application to cardiac mechanics and tagged-MRI
- Imperiale Alexandre
On some multi-phase problems in continuum mechanics
- Bosia Stefano
Mathematical framework for Traction Force Microscopy
- Michel Richard
- Peschetola Valentina
- Vitale Guido
- Etienne Jocelyn
- Duperray Alain
- Ambrosi Davide
- Preziosi Luigi
- Verdier Claude
DOI : 10.1051/proc/201342005 -
Cooperative folding of muscle myosins: I. Mechanical model
- Caruel Matthieu
- Allain Jean-Marc
- Truskinovsky Lev
Morphogenesis and propagation of complex cracks induced by thermal shocks
- Bourdin Blaise
- Marigo Jean-Jacques
- Maurini Corrado
- Sicsic Paul
Étude de l'évolution hydromécanique d'un carbonate après altération chimique. Application des méthodes de corrélation d'images 2D et 3D à la mesure des champs locaux de déformation lors d'essais mécaniques à différentes échelles.
- Zinsmeister Louis
Perfectly matched transmission problem with absorbing layers : application to anisotropic acoustics in convex polygonal domains
- Demaldent Edouard
- Imperiale Sébastien
Homogenised constitutive model coupling damage and debonding for reinforced concrete structures under cyclic solicitations
- Combescure Christelle
- Dumontet Hélène
- Voldoire François
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2013.07.021 -
Cohesive Mohr–Coulomb interface effects on the strength criterion of materials with granular-based microstructure
- He Z.
- Dormieux L.
- Lemarchand E.
- Kondo D.
DOI : 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2013.06.009 -
Non-smooth model of the grand piano action
- Thorin Anders
Modeling and simulation of the nucleation and propagation of damage in quasi-brittle materials: Contribution of the variational approach
- Sicsic Paul
Reciprocity principle and crack identification in transient thermal problems
- Ben Abda Abda
- Bui Huy Duong
DOI : 10.1515/jiip.2001.9.1.1 -
Influence of strain-induced crystallization on the crack driving force in fracture behavior of rubber
- Guilie Joachim
- Le Tallec Patrick
Inverse problems in fluid-structure interaction: Application to hemodynamics
- Bertoglio Cristobal
- Moireau Philippe
- Gerbeau Jean-Frédéric
- Fernández Miguel Angel
- Chapelle Dominique
- Barber David
- Gaddum Nicholas
- Valverde Israel
- Beerbaum Philipp
- Hose Rodney
Calcul des structures
- Thorin Anders
- Forêt Gilles
Influence of strain localization on IASCC of proton irradiated 304L stainless steel in simulated PWR primary water
- Le Millier Morgane
- Calonne Olivier
- Crépin Jérôme
- Duhamel Cecilie
- Fournier Lionel
- Gaslain Fabrice
- Héripré Eva
- Toader Ovidiu
- Vidalenc Yoann
- Was Gary
Initiation of SCC crack in nickel based weld metals : influence of microstructure features
- Chaumun Elizabeth
- Crépin Jérôme
- de Curières Ian
- Duhamel Cecilie
- Guerre Catherine
- Héripré Eva
- Sennour Mohamed
Variational approach to fracture mechanics with plasticity
- Alessi Roberto
Coupling boundary integral and shell finite element methods to study the fluid structure interactions of a microcapsule in a simple shear flow
- Dupont Claire
- Salsac Anne-Virginie
- Barthes-Biesel Dominique
- Vidrascu Marina
- Le Tallec Patrick
Micro-scale experimental investigation of deformation of argillaceous rocks under hydric and mechanical loads
- Wang Linlin
- Bornert Michel
- Chanchole S.
The bending of an elastic beam by a liquid drop: A variational approach
- Neukirch Sebastien
- Antkowiak Arnaud
- Marigo Jean-Jacques
DOI : 10.1098/rspa.2013.0066 -
Receptor displacement in the cell membrane by hydrodynamic force amplification through nanoparticles.
- Türkcan Silvan
- Richly Maximilian
- Bouzigues Cedric I.
- Allain Jean-Marc
- Alexandrou Antigoni
DOI : 10.1016/j.bpj.2013.05.045 -
Fissuration du verre de confinement des déchets radioactifs
- Doquet Véronique
- Ben Ali Neji
- Constantinescu Andrei
- Chabert Emmanuelle
Simulation of a non-smooth dynamical model of the piano key
- Thorin Anders
- Boutillon Xavier
- Lozada José
- Merlhiot Xavier
- Micaelli Alain
Non-smooth simulation of a 6-DOF dynamical model of the grand piano action
- Thorin Anders
- Boutillon Xavier
- Lozada José
- Merlhiot Xavier