
Modélisation de l'endurance en fatigue sous chargement complexe, statique et vibratoire
- de Moura Pinho Raùl
Multiscale mechanics of soft tissues
- Wijanto Florent
Apprehending the effects of mechanical deformations in cardiac electrophysiology: A homogenization approach
- Collin Annabelle
- Imperiale Sébastien
- Moireau Philippe
- Gerbeau Jean-Frédéric
- Chapelle Dominique
DOI : 10.1142/S0218202519500490 -
Grain Boundary Sliding and Strain Rate Sensitivity of Coarse and Fine/Ultrafine Grained 5083 Aluminum Alloys
- Goyal A.
- Doquet V.
- Pouya Amade
DOI : 10.1007/s11661-019-05583-5 -
Mechanical properties of additively manufactured or repaired single-track thickness structures by Directed Energy Deposition.
- Balit Yanis
Modélisation multi-échelles de la contraction musculaire : De la dynamique stochastique des moteurs moléculaires à la mécanique des milieux continus
- Kimmig François
Etude micromécanique du lien entre endommagement local et comportement macroscopique de propergols solides
- de Francqueville Foucault
Fast simulation of temperature and phase transitions in directed energy deposition additive manufacturing
- Weisz-Patrault Daniel
Computational fatigue assessment of mooring chains under tension loading
- Martinez Perez Imanol
- Constantinescu Andrei
- Bastid Philippe
- Zhang Yan-Hui
- Venugopal Vengatesan
DOI : 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2019.06.073 -
A multiscale mathematical model of cell dynamics during neurogenesis in the mouse cerebral cortex
- Postel Marie
- Karam Alice
- Pézeron Guillaume
- Schneider-Maunoury Sylvie
- Clément Frédérique
DOI : 10.1186/s12859-019-3018-8 -
Wrinkling to crinkling transitions and curvature localization in a magnetoelastic film bonded to a non-magnetic substrate
- Psarra E.
- Bodelot L.
- Danas Kostas
DOI : 10.1016/j.jmps.2019.103734 -
Root Hair Sizer: an algorithm for high throughput recovery of different root hair and root developmental parameters
- Guichard Marjorie
- Allain Jean-Marc
- Bianchi Michele Wolfe
- Frachisse Jean-Marie
DOI : 10.1186/s13007-019-0483-z -
Supersonic kinks and solitons in active solids
- Gorbushin N.
- Truskinovsky L.
DOI : 10.1098/rsta.2019.0115 -
A study on the effective elastic properties of random porous materials : 3D Printing, Experiments and Numerics.
- Zerhouni Othmane
Fissuration par fatigue en mode mixte non proportionnel des rails de chemins de fer : De l’étude expérimentale à la mise en œuvre d’un modèle
- Bonniot Thomas
Strength of Materials and Structural Components
- Abbadi Mohammed
- Nouari Mohammed
- El Otmani Rabie
Energy Decay and Stability of a Perfectly Matched Layer For the Wave Equation
- Baffet Daniel Henri
- Grote Marcus J.
- Imperiale Sébastien
- Kachanovska Maryna
DOI : 10.1007/s10915-019-01089-9 -
Identification of the material behavior of adhesive joints under dynamic multiaxial loadings
- Janin Anthony
- Constantinescu Andrei
- Weisz-Patrault Daniel
- Nevière Robert
- Stackler Matthieu
- Albouy William
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2019.103355 -
Design and testing of 3D-printed micro-architectured polymer materials exhibiting a negative Poisson’s ratio
- Agnelli Filippo
- Constantinescu Andrei
- Nika Grigor
DOI : 10.1007/s00161-019-00851-6 -
Mechanical and Imaging Models-based Image Registration
- Škardová Kateřina
- Rambausek Matthias
- Chabiniok Radomir
- Genet Martin
DOI : 10.1007/978-3-030-32040-9_9 -
Guided active particles
- Garcia-Garcia Reinaldo
- Collet Pierre
- Truskinovsky Lev
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevE.100.042608 -
Fatigue crack growth in compacted and spheroidal graphite cast irons
- Hosdez Jérôme
- Limodin N.
- Najjar Denis
- Witz Jean-François
- Charkaluk E.
- Osmond Pierre
- Forre Agathe
- Szmytka F.
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.105319 -
Modeling and analysis of cell population dynamics : application to the early development of ovarian follicles
- Robin Frédérique
Fast Mesoscopic Simulation Of Grain Growth And Macroscopic Modeling
- Weisz-Patrault Daniel
- Sakout Sofia
- Ehrlacher Alain
DOI : 10.1063/5.0026505 -
Residual Strains In Directed Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing
- Weisz-Patrault Daniel