
Dissimilar Al6061 to Al7075 friction stir welds : processing, static and fatigue properties
- Dimov Nicolas
Optimisation de formes de structures viscoélastiques sous sollicitations dynamiques
- Joubert Antoni
Modeling and inverse problems in hemodynamics : towards augmented cardiovascular monitoring
- Manganotti Jessica
Characteristic features of salt-cavern behavior
- Gordeliy Elizaveta
- Berest Pierre
Statistically equivalent surrogate material models: Impact of random imperfections on the elasto-plastic response
- Khristenko Ustim
- Constantinescu Andrei
- Le Tallec Patrick
- Wohlmuth Barbara
DOI : 10.1016/j.cma.2022.115278 -
On the structural origin of the anisotropy in the myocardium: Multiscale modeling and analysis
- Tueni Nicole
- Allain Jean-Marc
- Genet Martin
Measure of the hygroscopic expansion of human dentin
- Gharbi Hakim
- Wenlong Wang
- Giraudet Chloé
- Allain Jean-Marc
- Vennat Elsa
Dimensional reduction of a poromechanical cardiac model for myocardial perfusion studies
- Chabiniok Radomír
- Burtschell Bruno
- Chapelle Dominique
- Moireau Philippe
DOI : 10.1016/j.apples.2022.100121 -
Rheology of partially molten plagioclase containing wetting silica-rich anhydrous melt
- Dimanov Alexandre
DOI : 10.1093/gji/ggac218 -
Thermo-mechanical Coil Cooling Model to Tackle Shape and Mechanical Properties Issues after Hot Rolling of Steel Sheets
- Weisz-Patrault Daniel
- Legrand Nicolas
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- Cooke C
- Ehrhardt Bertram
- Jimenez Stéphane
- Jacolot Ronan
Influence de la vitesse de scan sur la microstructure de murs fins en IN718, produits par dépôt sous énergie concentrée
- Bréhier Michèle
- Weisz-Patrault Daniel
- Tournier Christophe
Varying thin filament activation in the framework of the Huxley'57 model
- Kimmig François
- Caruel Matthieu
- Chapelle Dominique
DOI : 10.1002/cnm.3655 -
L-PBF and DED processing of a Ni-based superalloy
- Thomas M
- Charkaluk Eric
- Solas Denis
- Szmytka Fabien
- Locq Didier
- Morel Ariel
- Hubert Olivier
- Muller Nicolas
- Tournier Christophe
Blowout Prediction on a Salt Cavern Selected for a Hydrogen Storage Pilot
- Djizanne Hippolyte
- Murillo Rueda Carlos
- Brouard Benoit
- Bérest Pierre
- Hévin Grégoire
DOI : 10.3390/en15207755 -
Multiphysics simulation of electric motors with an application to stators
- Hanappier N.
- Charkaluk Eric
- Triantafyllidis N.
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2021.111406 -
Fatigue crack growth in bearing steel under cyclic mode II + static biaxial compression
- Zaid Mael
- Bonnand Vincent
- Doquet Véronique
- Chiaruttini Vincent
- Pacou Didier
- Depouhon Pierre
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2022.107074 -
Méthodes mathématiques et numériques pour des problèmes de propagation d’ondes double échelles
- Imperiale Sébastien
Modelling and Simulation of the Magnetostriction Effect in a Magneto-sensitive Material
- Saouli N.
- Dammak H.
- Hayoun M.
- Bodelot L.
Analysis and fast modelling of microstructures in duplex stainless steel formed by directed energy deposition additive manufacturing
- Edwards Alexander
- Weisz-Patrault Daniel
- Charkaluk Eric
Estimation of regional pulmonary compliance in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis based on personalized lung poromechanical modeling
- Patte Cécile
- Brillet Pierre-Yves
- Fetita Catalin
- Bernaudin Jean Francois
- Gille Thomas
- Nunes Hilario
- Chapelle Dominique
- Genet Martin
DOI : 10.1115/1.4054106 -
Insights into the viscohyperelastic response of soft magnetorheological elastomers: Competition of macrostructural versus microstructural players
- Lucarini S.
- Moreno-Mateos M.A.
- Danas K.
- Garcia-Gonzalez D.
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2022.111981 -
Asymptotic derivation of a higher-order one-dimensional model for tape springs
- Kumar Arun
- Audoly Basile
- Lestringant Claire
Etude expérimentale et modélisation de la fissuration d’un polymère thermoplastique
- Coq Arnaud
- Diani Julie
- Brach Stella
Analyse multi-échelle du comportement des carbonates poreux sous chargement triaxial
- Doré-Ossipyan Catherine
- Sulem Jean
- Bornert Michel
- Dimanov Alexandre
- Aimedieu Patrick
- de Greef Vincent
Thermal analysis and shrinkage characterization of the photopolymers for DLP additive manufacturing processes
- Sekmen Kubra
- Rehbein Thomas
- Johlitz Michael
- Lion Alexander
- Constantinescu Andrei
DOI : 10.1007/s00161-022-01137-0